Project Creation and Marketing
We make the most appropriate project for accurate sales and marketing. We achieve results by developing a unique working method for each brand.
Market analysis
As Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy, we know the importance of examining the current market in detail when developing a housing project. In the light of these examinations, making forward-looking evaluations, finding out what is and is not demanded pre-project development work and what the state of supply is, and being able to predict what the past state of the demand is, what its current state is and what its future state will be, is the most important criterion for the project. In addition, examining the supply in the same way is important for the efficiency of the possible project. As a result, we carry out our work in line with examining the housing market for possible projects and making recommendations in line with supply and demand. These studies we carry out allow us to find out the importance of the market research step that should be taken before the project for local or foreign investors and to see what kind of answers will be received to the same questions for possible projects to be developed in the city center. In this way, we find out what the answers to the same questions are and will be in projects in different regions, with different concepts, for different target audiences.
Project planning
Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy supports its customers in the project planning stages, and ensures the implementation of the standards required to manage complex works, thus ensuring the effective success of construction project management by performing the most complete project controls. With realistic, feasible, and reliable budgets, design and construction schedules are optimized and accelerated. Budget and calendar tracking enables construction project management to be carried out on time and within the targeted costs.
Concept development
There are two important criteria in real estate development projects. The first of these is to develop a project that will obtain maximum benefit in the area where the project will be carried out. The second most important criterion is the development of the concept of the project directly related to the sale of the project. While both elements are of great importance for projects, concept development is sometimes neglected and projects designed with great efficiency do not yield the desired results. Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy carries out the work that needs to be done at the beginning of the concept development with accurate analysis. The results obtained with correct analysis will increase the efficiency of the projects. It is necessary to establish a good balance between land efficiency and concept efficiency. The fact that a project offers a different and innovative living concept is of great importance when considering purchasing. While the saleability of projects will increase with creative concepts, it will also be possible to increase prices. It is necessary to pay attention to details to achieve this, especially in project concepts that have their own living space. At this point, we provide support to our customers in the concept development stages.
Project expectations of potential customers, development of residential and commercial projects
One of the analyses used by Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy in the process of developing a concept suitable for a project is SWOT Analysis, also known as Competition Analysis. SWOT Analysis includes details such as location, concept, design dynamics, floor plans, flat types, and pricing of competing projects. SWOT Analysis is a market analysis that must be done to see the advantageous and disadvantageous aspects of the competition and to evaluate the pros and cons of the project together. In real estate development projects, it is important to develop a project with high marketability, so it is necessary to examine the target audience as well. In the investigations to be carried out after the target audience is determined, we find the answers to the questions of what the audience's needs are, what kind of place they want to live in, what type of housing they prefer, and what their ability to pay is, and in line with this information, our work on developing a concept suitable for the project begins. A project that is suitable for the land where the project will be carried out does not have to be marketable. We carry out our work within these limits in order not to reduce the saleability of the project with an ordinary concept and wrong product analysis.
Revenue forecasts, budgeting and appraisal
Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy aims to make decisions regarding the future period and prepare its customers for all possible situations by preparing the budgets of a project in advance. In this way, our customers have the opportunity to make more accurate planning for the next period by comparing the planned budget and actual expenses.
Preparation of financial models
Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy provides the most appropriate Financial Planning for its clients by showing the resources required to achieve the objectives of a project (maximum profit) and where and when these resources will be used. Financial planning is the most important link in a business plan. Financial planning includes the project in the company's business plan, the money needed to realize the project, the insurance and salary payments of the workers, the payments of the construction's own insurance, commuting and expenses, the food of the workers, and the sources from which these consumables will be financed. So the first thing needed for proper financial planning is a proper business plan. The more detailed the business plans are, the more successful the financial planning will be. In addition to the business plan, a proper financial planning will guide you on how to manage your cash flow, debts, receivables, investments and savings based on your earnings.
Preparation of work flow plan
Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy visually expresses to its customers the steps required for the realization of a project and the decisions that need to be made in a sequential manner with appropriate shapes. To implement the project, in a WORKFLOW PLAN;
• All necessary steps must be included,
• The steps in the plan are connected to each other with arrows,
• The connections provided by linking arrows represent the flow of the process,
• The flow in the process is expressed from start to finish,
• The relevant process should be comprehensible at a glance.
In the preparation process of a workflow plan, Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy seeks answers to the following questions:
• Identification and definition of the project: WHAT?
• Determination of the start and end points of the project: WHERE?
• Determination of how the project is executed (steps/decisions): HOW?
• Determination of when each step is taken: WHEN?
• Determination of who is responsible for each task: WHO?
Feasibility studies
Before making any investment or project initiation decision, it is essential to systematically conduct feasibility studies. The results of feasibility files seek answers to questions about whether to proceed with the business, investment, or project, and a decision to start the project can be made based on these answers. Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy, while preparing feasibility reports, takes the project through stages known as feasibility stages, determining whether the investment will be profitable or not, and conducting information-gathering processes. Feasibility reports reveal whether the investment is profitable and to what extent after completion.
Architectural concept preparation
Architectural project design is a long and complex process. Shaping the lifestyle you have envisioned for your family requires expertise in itself, especially if you don't want to proceed with standard and conventional templates! Real estate is often the largest investment that an individual or family can make throughout their lives. In today's modern society, lifestyle, aspirations, bureaucracy, and construction systems have made this matter even more complex alongside its costliness. For Global Lotus Construction Investment Consultancy, finding lean and minimalist approaches to demonstrate, communicate, and turn it into an adventure is a significant part of the process. The design phase of your project is where all this complexity is aesthetically, elegantly, systematically, and economically resolved, planned, designed, and calculated.