
Marketing and Advertising Agency Organization

Communication forms the foundation of the sales and marketing organization. Understanding the target audience and reaching them in the most suitable way constitute a significant part of this work with the right communication strategy. The final stage is being able to represent ourselves in the right way and complete the trust…

Determination of marketing strategies and channels

Communication is a vital part of life. It is the most important bridge to establish to express oneself and ensure accurate information flow to the other party. Sales and marketing are, of course, areas where communication operates most effectively. Developing a marketing strategy and conveying this strategy to your target audience in the most suitable way are related to the correct execution of communication and marketing planning. Identifying the most suitable sales channels for you not only increases your profit but also prevents excessive and unnecessary energy and financial losses. At Global Lotus, we adopt a holistic approach to determine all your marketing channels in a way that is specific to you and most accurate.

Creating corporate identity

The most important step for the corporate existence and awareness of your brand is corporate identity. You will have taken one of the most important steps that will make a difference in the market with an original and creative corporate identity that reflects you correctly. We carry out corporate identity planning for you that gives confidence to your customers and best reflects your brand.

Creating a media plan

When setting goals, advertising and brand awareness are crucial. One of the most effective methods for this is to prepare a local, national, and international media plan. At Global Lotus, we conduct local, national, or international media planning for you in line with your goals. This allows you to strengthen your brand awareness and trust by accurately conveying your promotion and increasing your profitability with sales-focused applications.

Website design / Social media management

Corporate identity is a significant structure that shapes within the framework of trust. To convey yourself to your customers in the most accurate way, it is essential to plan the promotion and information you create within the framework of your corporate identity, as well as having a suitable website. We design your website by creating your identity in the most unique and creative way for you. According to your preference, we provide you the opportunity to express yourself more clearly with a sales or promotion-focused website design.

Sales office indoor / outdoor works

Internal and external communication always stand at the forefront of points that will directly influence your target audience. In addition to digital communication efforts, it is necessary to conduct indoor activities for an impressive sales office and outdoor activities to expand your visibility and increase your prestige. With our unique design and communication planning, we carry out all these activities for you.

E-mailing efforts

Ensuring that the potential customer stays with your brand, eliminating indecisiveness and providing constant reminders are requirements of the digital world. E-mailing efforts are very valuable to keep your customer base constant and make them feel that they are special.

Launch activities

Launch activities to increase prestige and sales are important factors that take companies to the next level. We carry out creative and accurate launch activities for you.

Visual advertising material works

In promotional and marketing activities where visual and digital come to the fore, we carry out visualization works that capture the agenda, are creative, innovative, and appeal to the target audience.

Some of the projects we are solution partners

Folkart Vega

Konak, Izmir
  • Under Construction

  • Residential & Commercial

Folkart Time

Bornova, Izmir
  • Completed

  • Residential / Commercial